I going to have a rant now. Everyone needs awareness of individuals with Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND). What support was in place to help the individual return to work? The mother informed the police that "he's unarmed, he doesn't have anything, he just gets mad and he starts yelling and screaming," Which part of that statement did the police not understand. Instead they shot him. These similar events do not only happen in the USA but all over the world. It would be interesting to find out how much training police receive to deal with individuals with SEND. How much support are SEND individuals receiving in regards to their mental health and returning to schools and work environments? The rant is over for now

#autism #send #mentalhealth #sandrainspireautism

Autistic teenager in Utah shot by police after mother calls for help - BBC News

Autistic teenager in Utah shot by police after mother calls for help - BBC News

Golda Barton called Salt Lake City police to help with her 13-year-old son's mental health crisis.