Hello and how is everybody doing this week ? Good i hope even though everything in the world at this moment seems to be just a little bit Fucked Up .I hope my Podcast and my Music can bring a just a little bit of peace , happiness and a bit of joy and help one to forget all the crap thats going on even though its just for a short time .But Heres the thing though, i was driving on the highway yesterday afternoon listening to the radio and this artist who goes by the name of Lizzo came on .Now all i knew and heard about Lizzo is how she likes parading about in public semi naked with her ass hanging out all over the place ,i had her pegged as just another one of these Rapper Hip Hop types .But i have to admit she does have genuine talent ,she can actually sing and the music had some of that old skool groove vibes .I really liked her music she seems very talented .Now the way i see it she does'nt need to walk about the place with her ass hanging out for the world to see ,her talent alone should speak for itself.But thats just my opinion. Don't forget to visit my website @ www.seriousnubian.com and also visit www.seriousnubian.bandcamp.com to download my music.All my tracks are in digital downloading format only.Also my band the R&B Fusion Collective will be playing in Kitchener ,Ontario on June 18th ,further gigs will be announced.