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4 yrs

Monday 7th September streaming Live on Facebook and Youtube 8:30 pm.


This week's Chat Show, I'll be conversing with Tina Buckley. From the Rants & Bants Crew with her no-nonsense attitude and Irish spirit.

My Featured Guest this week is Birmingham's Trendsetters Karl Anthony & Junior Wilson with their New Social Media platform

two different guest with the sole aim of liberation and freedom to truly be who you are.

You the audience as usual al play a role in my show, and I want you to get involved. Here is how you can be a part of the show.

1. Tune in-live, start a watch party and engage with both Tina Buckley and these two innovative brothers
Karl Anthony and Junior Wilson.

2. By commenting with your questions, as they could appear on the screen.

3. You can also put your name in at the end of the show comments and one lucky person will appear on the following week's show.

Like former guests, Antiguan Alison, Denise Francis, Astrid Phillips, Mark Newman, Donna Benn, Julie Juice, Trevor White now added to this eclectic list is Tina Buckley.

So next time it might be you!

Either way, you and your views will play a vital part in the show, so please come along and join in the fun.


This show will be stream from my Facebook page and youtube so please use the links above like, follow the page or subscribe on Youtube and receive your notification when this show streams live.