[In the moment
with no distractions or worries
Present, focused on the here and now

Embracing this moment
conscious and aware
Taking nothing for granted
So blessed to be here]

This is an excerpt from my poem titled "In The Moment". It's a sneak peek and part of my upcoming book & final installment of my poetry trilogy which is coming soon! In the meantime, please grab your copy of "When The Mood Is Right A Poetry Journey &Mood Swings " to get caught up with the journey. For more inspiration, don't forget to pick up your copy of #thepivotanthology, which is a National and International Best Seller and I'm so happy to have co-authored this project. -Peace and Blessings-




#poetry #authorpreneur #excerpts #newbook #comingsoon #grabyourcopy #clickthelink #whenthemoodisright #apoetryjourney #moodswings #queenp