Karlos Anthony  Добавлены новые фотографии в health
4 лет

On Sunday 16th August Let’s Talk with Sherry Ann Dixon is talking about Depression and Black Men with Author Kwame McPherson, Courtney Brown, Viv Ahmun and Rennie Parris.
Depression among Black men is an often unspoken pain that deeply affects the health and quality of life of Black people. In fact, the most current review of evidence on Black men and depression suggests a prevalence of five percent to 10 percent. This figure may be much larger, as depression is commonly under-diagnosed. Men struggle with the idea of being openly vulnerable and sharing their emotions and many have not been told or taught how to process and talk about their emotional experiences, furthering a sense of isolation, anger, and resentment. For these men, this creates emotional volatility that can sometimes manifest in seeming “shut down” in relationships and friendships. At its worst, this budding resentment can manifest in an outward expression of anger, aggression, and even violence. This week I am talking to men who have experienced this invisible disease, asking how they have coped and learning how they dealt dealing with recovery. So if you know someone who may need to listen to this show, please please share it with them.
5pm UK
12pm USA and Caribbean
Where: Right here on Facebook Live


#blackmentalhealth #emotionalhealth
