I have conducted my own independent investigation into the data surrounding the second lockdown, that took place in England (Nov 4th-Dec 2nd).

In this study, I looked at the data which lead to it being implemented, constructed my own graphical data (using Power BI and Python), assessed the wider socio-economic impacts and whether extensive restrictions are effective.

This is the end result of combining data analysis and social commentary.

Do check out my report, share and give me a follow if you're signed up to medium. Thank you for reading.

Was the Second Lockdown Justified? | by Ben Pitter-Fagan | Dec, 2020 | Medium

Was the Second Lockdown Justified? | by Ben Pitter-Fagan | Dec, 2020 | Medium

With the UK officially coming out of the second national lockdown on 2nd December and vaccination announcements on top of that, it seemed as if pressures may have been slightly relieved as the nation…