Emma-Jane Leslie  partagé un  poster
4 ans

■ *Black Thrive Grants available for Black people between £1,000 and £50,000 to deliver projects for up to 18 months.* ■

(The first round closes at 23:59pm on Weds 14th October 202

We know that people of African and African Caribbean descent in Lambeth are more likely to be unemployed and more likely to have poor health.

One of the key drivers of these inequalities is structural racism.

As a result, in collaboration with Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Charity (GSTC), *Black Thrive* is developing community-led solutions for improving employment outcomes for Black people with long-term conditions.

Our goal is to ensure that Black people in Lambeth with long-term conditions are as likely to be in and sustain, meaningful employment as equivalent White people.

*Black Thrive*, led by our Employment Working Group, will distribute £300,000 of grant funding
over two years to improve employment outcomes for Black people with long-term health conditions (LTCs) in Lambeth.

Grants are available for between £1,000 and £50,000 to deliver projects for up to 18 months.

The first round closes at 23:59pm on 14th October 2020.
