Sharing Dreams and Struggles Within our Black African Caribbean Community
Sharing Dreams and Struggles Within our Black African Caribbean Community Jan 16

Sharing Dreams and Struggles Within our Black African Caribbean Community

أيام ساعات المتبقي
We are here to make a difference for our black community. Equality, diversity and inclusion should be for all and not just the privileged.

Blessings Sisters Brothers

Welcome to Pursuit of Happiness CIC presenting to you 5 amazing events during October, dedicated to BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2021

If you require any further information or details, please do not hesitate to email us at: or visit our website at:


Professor Winston Morgan - Director of Impact Innovation, Medicines Research Group, Department of Bioscience, School of Health, Sport and Bioscience.

Professor Winston is a researcher in Toxicology and Clinical Biochemistry, he teaches on several programmes from level 4-7 in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Biochemical Science and Medical Physiology.

Dr Donald Palmer - Senior Lecturer in Immunology in the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Department of the Royal Veterinary College, London. His research is concerned with the role of the thymus in the ageing of the immune system, and the identification of ‘novel markers’ on the surfaces of cells.

Topic of Discussion - Covid-19 Booster Vaccines

This week we welcome back Dr Winston Morgan and Dr Donald Palmer, to our online community centre platform. We are living in some very tense and worrying times, since the pandemic landed 2 years ago there has been a lot that has happened and is still happening that is causing concern for our community. We are now in the Booster stages of the vaccines aka booster jab 3 and a possible jab 4 if what we are being told by the scientists is correct. It does look like we will have to take booster the jabs every few months and this is what is causing a great concern. Please join us to ask professionals in the field who look like us, it is an event not to be missed indeed!


Sharing Dreams and Struggles Within our Black African Caribbean Community

We are looking forward to meeting our black African Caribbean community and others from anywhere within the UK and abroad. Being able to converse and share things with others who share the same heritage and ideals is indeed a good way of coming together in unity, solidarity and strength.

We are encouraging our community to strive towards the changes that need to happen along with offering support in any way possible. Lets engage in some quality time and enjoy sharing anything we feel to discuss together, during our regular online sessions.

Systemic and institutional racism along with oppression is and has always been prevalent in the UK regarding our black/brown African Caribbean community residents, this must and has to change now.

16-Jan-2022 - 20:00 تاريخ البدء
16-Jan-2022 - 22:00 تاريخ الانتهاء
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